If your home was built between 1940 and 1980, you likely have aluminum siding. Over the years and withstanding multiple seasons and storms, your siding probably looks dull, faded, and chalky. You may not necessarily need to completely replace your siding. It’s possible that it may just need a new coat of paint.
You can paint aluminum siding. Choosing to paint your aluminum siding is a smart, budget-friendly move that can significantly enhance your home’s exterior. Painting aluminum siding is quite a large job to do on your own.
VanDerKolk Painting
is here to professionally paint your aluminum siding using high-quality materials and efficient practices in Grand Rapids and throughout West Michigan.
Yes, you can paint the aluminum siding on your home. In fact, paint adheres especially well to aluminum siding when compared to wood or vinyl siding.
With aluminum, you don’t have to worry about the material cracking or expanding due to weather conditions and cracking or peeling the paint as wood siding can.
If you have aluminum siding and wish to enhance your home’s exterior, applying a fresh coat of paint can greatly transform its appearance.
Many homeowners who notice their aluminum siding is starting to look faded and chalky are quick to consider replacing it entirely. However, this process is extremely intensive and expensive, costing around $23,000.
Fortunately, painting aluminum siding to refresh your home’s exterior is a much less expensive solution. If your aluminum siding is still in good shape and can withstand another ten years, adding a fresh coat of paint can save you thousands of dollars.
If your aluminum siding is damaged beyond repair, we recommend replacing it with vinyl siding to ensure your home remains stable and safe.
We know it’s possible to paint aluminum siding, but what is the process behind a high-quality and long-lasting paint job?
These steps will help make the paint on your aluminum siding last longer and avoid peeling.
Our homes shelter us from treacherous weather events that happen throughout the year. From protecting us from intense sun rays during the day to keeping us warm during the harsh Michigan winter to shielding us from heavy rain, snow, and storms, your aluminum siding has likely taken a beating over the years.
Before painting, examine the exterior siding of your home for dents, cracks,
rust, and other potential damage. Repair or replace any slats that may show wear and tear.
Once any signs of damage have been repaired, it’s time to prep the siding for painting. This means cleaning away that chalky residue that forms over time.
The best way to clean chalky residue is to mix one gallon of water, one cup of chlorine bleach, and one-fourth cup of trisodium phosphate (TSP). Using gloves, wash the siding with a sponge or pressure washer.
After scrubbing the dirt on the surface, rinse with clean water from a hose or power washer.
If the chalky coating is not washed away properly, it will cause the paint to peel as it interferes with adhesion. This is an important step that you do not want to skip!
Unless your home has bare aluminum siding, a primer isn’t absolutely necessary but is recommended.
Opt for a self-etching primer for bare aluminum surfaces or an acrylic primer for siding that is already painted.
These primers will help the paint adhere to the aluminum siding better and better withstand the elements.
Now that the aluminum siding is prepped and primed, it’s time to add your new paint color. Whether you’re using the same or a new color, it’s always a good idea to use two coats of paint.
You can apply the paint using a brush or paint roller. If you want to get adventurous, you can also use specific spray paint for your home’s siding.
To get the best finish,
wait at least 4 hours
between coats. It’s also important to check the weather, making sure humidity is low and no rain is forecasted.
The best type of paint to use on aluminum siding is 100% acrylic latex. This paint dries quickly and can withstand the elements over the years to beautifully present your home.
Painting your home’s exterior is not easy. It takes a lot of strategy, time, and skill. So, how long can you expect your aluminum siding paint to last? On average, the paint will last between five and ten years, depending on the weather conditions.
If you want your home to look in great condition, some paint their aluminum siding every four to six years. To maintain the new look of your aluminum siding, it’s a good idea to wash your exterior siding once or twice a year with a water and laundry detergent mixture.
Homeowners are often proud to show off their homes’ interiors. You should feel the same source of pride about your home’s exterior as you do about the interior.
If you notice your siding looking faded or chalky, then it’s time to call
VanDerKolk Painting to add a fresh coat of paint and enhance your home’s curb appeal.
Using the most effective painting techniques and high-quality products, our professionally trained painters are ready to take on this major job for you!
Request a free estimate and see how VanDerKolk Painting can elevate your home’s exterior in just a few days.
Trailer & Equipment Painting
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VanDerKolk Painting - Grand Rapids Painting Company
225 Graham Street SW | Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
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